Fox in a Box Chicago: Creating a Balanced Team for Success

Strategy? Planning? Execution?

Here at Fox in a Box we use immersive games to help teams connect and build healthy work relationships. However we also like to share tips to use inside of your office to foster productive habits and provide tools and tips to make operations run smoothly! Here are some few key learnings that we would love to share with your team!

Creating a Balanced Team for Success

Strategy: The Big Idea

Strategy is all about the big idea - what you're going to do and why you're doing it. It's thinking about what your customers want and how your business can give it to them.

In a small business, this big idea might come from the boss or it might be a team decision. The important thing is that everyone understands it and agrees with it. Even if you're not the one making the strategy, you need to know what it is because it affects all the work you do.

Planning: The Game Plan

Once you've got your big idea, you need to work out how you're going to make it happen and when. This is where planning comes in. You need to come up with clear steps that will get you from where you are now to where you want to be. You need to organize your team, your resources, and your time to turn your strategy into reality.

Good planning means being organized and understanding the big idea. You'll need to set a timeline, decide who does what, and figure out what you need to get the job done.

Execution: Getting it Done

The Bank! @ FIAB Chicago

Execution is about getting the job done. It's when you start doing the things you planned to do. Everyone in the company is involved because everyone has a part to play in turning the plan into action.

Execution needs hard work, good communication, and the ability to solve problems when they pop up. It's important to keep track of how you're doing and adjust your plan if you need to, so you stay on track with your big idea.

The 'Triple-Threat' Superstars

Strategy, Planning, and Execution - these three parts are all really important and they all need to work together. If you've got a great strategy but don't get the work done, you won't get very far. If you're all action but don't have a good plan, you'll end up going around in circles. Without good planning, you'll probably waste a lot of effort.

In a small business, it's common for one person to have to do all three parts. These 'triple-threat' workers can think up the big ideas, make the plans, and then get the work done. But finding these workers isn't easy. And once you find them, you have to keep them interested, especially in the big ideas, or they might leave to find something more rewarding.

So, even in a small business, it's important to make sure everyone knows what their job is. And, it's important to give your 'triple-threat' workers the chance to be involved in all three parts of the work. This balance is key for a successful business.

Building a Team That Works

The idea of having an employee who's great at coming up with ideas, planning, and getting things done might sound perfect. But, it's important to remember not to wait around for this perfect worker while you've got a pile of work that's getting bigger and bigger. You need to really think about what your business needs.

First, think about whether you need someone who's full-time on the big ideas. Sometimes, having someone working part-time on the big ideas might make more sense, while other employees get the work done. This way, you can split the work up and make things run more smoothly.

But, there are a couple of warning signs you should look out for when you're hiring.

Red Flag: If you're thinking about hiring someone who has a proven track record with strategy development, but they haven't been involved in the day-to-day work in their last two jobs, this could be a problem. If they're used to just working on the big ideas, they might not be happy in a job where they have to get the work done. This could mean they'll want to leave and find a different job sooner than you'd like.

Yellow Flag: On the other hand, hiring someone who's ready to do the day-to-day work, but who also wants to have a go at the big ideas, could be a bit of a risk, but it could also be a chance for you. These folks are looking for opportunities to increase their knowledge and skills and make more of an impact. This could benefit the employee and could also turn them into a really valuable part of your team long term.

Finding the Right Balance

Running a successful business isn't just about finding 'triple-threat' workers who can do everything. It's about striking a balance between big ideas, careful planning, and actual work. Don't let your work pile up while you wait for the perfect hire; consider part-time strategists and full-time doers. But be cautious in hiring. Someone used to focusing solely on big ideas may not be content with everyday tasks, leading to early departure. Conversely, someone willing to handle daily chores but keen to contribute to big ideas can be a great addition, helping them grow while boosting your team. Ultimately, it's about assembling a balanced team that can transform your big ideas into reality!

Its Fall Fox GIF by Ana Caro